Prior to Leaving BlastAsia

Innovate or Stagnate! was one line my college batch used to write in our notebooks.

It is not easy when one gets older…and it is more difficult to take a holiday from caution nowadays. I’ve always tried to shake things up my end and get out of my comfort zone once I felt like I’m just floating around.

I’ve proven it once again to myself..that I am still young at heart…I’ve taken risks once in a while to get my butt out of the rut and now….now…… well..I’ve resigned and will be joining a bigger company in March 2007 wherein my job is something I’m scared to do but will probably be an amalgam of whatever I’ve not done before, does that make sense?

And here I am with poses and pics from my previous and current team members and other officemates at this time (ha! my developers will probably be happy to see me leave since I hound them relentlessly with matching whip hehehe). Seriously though its been a been a blast (fun…I mean pun intended) working with these guys and gals! I shall miss all of you but please don’t forget to point Prince Charming my way! I’ve changed my address, see…*grin*

– Feb 28, ’07 1:36 AM